
FLForeclose is a searchable and navigable copy of the Florida Foreclosure statute (Chapter 702).

FLForeclose provides two views of the statute:
  • You can navigate through the sections.
  • You can search for and individual word or phrase. These words will show up in their respective sections highlighted in yellow. Clicking on the 'Next' button will advance through each instance of the word, with a pop up display letting you know how far along you are in the search.

FLForeclose support full landscape mode throughout the program.


The main search screen after searching for "decree.”

From here, select a section and it will appear with "decree" highlighted in yellow.

By selecting the Delete button from the top, all searches in the group will be removed. Removing individual search results is done by tapping the Edit button, selecting a row, and tapping the Delete button on the right side of the column to be deleted.


Select a section from the main screen.

And, once the section is selected, the text will slide into view